The Cinderella Scheme

A Toni Blake classic reissued!

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ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1943966066

This happily-ever-after story definitely stands the test of time.
— Marcie R. Reviews

If only she had a fairy godmother…

So when her friend produces a ticket to a glamorous gala and the makeover to match, Cassie agrees to escape her dreary life for one night. One that turns magical when Evan only has eyes for her. After she lets him believe she’s a successful, sophisticated businesswoman, he wants her in his boardroom—and his bedroom. Only soon she’s too deep in lies to have a fairytale ending, but too deep in love to let the clock strike midnight on their relationship…

The Cinderella Scheme was originally published in a different form in 1998. This edition has been significantly expanded and revised.  nent role in the quaint family scene next door, but how is he supposed to keep Holly’s eager embraces and Emily’s baby smiles from getting a hold on his heart?  

A Note from Toni

The original 1998 cover.

The Cinderella Scheme will always be very near and dear to me as it's the very first book I sold, to Kensington's Precious Gems line, back in the late 90s. I'll never forget getting the phone call I'd been awaiting for so long. Unfortunately, when it was first released, the publisher’s length limitations required the novel to be shortened by approximately one-third, altering my vision for the story significantly. So it’s exciting to me for many reasons to present this new, expanded edition, one of them being that readers can finally read this book the way I intended it to be read. 

As I polished and expanded the book for this new version, I realized that I could not have written this same book now – I discovered in it a certain youthfulness and innocence that came from just that, my youth, and my more limited worldview at the time. I’m a very different person and writer than I was then, and it was both enlightening and invigorating to revisit this story, to get reacquainted with my younger writing self and to see parts of myself I’d long since forgotten. I hope readers will enjoy this fun, playful look at first love, a story about going after your dreams and attaining them!


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