First Look! All I Want Is You

Amazon / Kindle | B&N / NookIndiebound | iTunesAvailable May 27, 2014 

Amazon / Kindle | B&N / Nook
Indiebound | iTunes

Available May 27, 2014 

We're pleased to announce that the 1st Coral Cove novel is almost here! Enjoy this peek at the cover and blurb of All I Want Is You. You'll meet new friends in this sexy and heartwarming introduction to Coral Cove, Florida, and see some familiar, beloved characters from Destiny, Ohio! 

Sometimes you have to create your own destiny …

Christy Knight grew up in Destiny, Ohio, but lately she feels that her future lies elsewhere. Her parents are gone and the beautiful jewelry she creates doesn't pay the bills. Maybe it's time for Christy to grow up and find a guy who's smart, sexy, and solvent. Her rugged handyman neighbor fits the first two categories, but he's all wrong for her. If only he didn't have such captivating blue eyes.

Wary of trusting others, Jack DuVall hasn't been entirely honest with Christy. He's not really a handyman. He's not really broke. And sharing the long drive to visit her beloved grandpa isn't just about gallantry—he finds gorgeous, feisty Christy completely irresistible.

When secrets are exposed, Jack and Christy struggle to find their way back to one another, but the quirky seaside town of Coral Cove could prove the perfect place to find a red-hot destiny of their own.

Winter's Wonders

It’s been a snowy winter so far where I am, and I’ve been using all of the winter weather to get plenty of work done. I love to be out in nature when writing—even if “nature” means writing in my car in a sunny spot at the local park!  I know it sounds a little crazy, but it gets me away from other distractions and the feel of sun on my face reminds me summer is right around the corner!  My winter “work uniform” includes pair of alpaca-fur fingerless gloves, which have come in handy as I create the second book in the Coral Cove series (title to be announced – hopefully soon!):

Toni's alpaca gloves.jpg

“Author” time runs differently from “reader” time, however, which is why, although I’m currently writing the second book, the first Coral Cove book, All I Want Is You, is now available for preorder at both Amazon and Barnes and Noble  and comes out the last Tuesday in May. Once again, the cover art team at Avon has outdone themselves.  I think this might just be my favorite cover ever – although it’s a tough call because the cover gods have blessed me many, many times.

AIWIY cover

Winter is for friends and family, and I spent a lot of time with both this past Christmas season. Here’s a fun picture from the annual Romancing the Holidays booksigning at the West Chester, OH Barnes and Noble, where author friends Lori FosterJules Bennett, and I were photobombed by none other than Santa himself! (photo courtesy of Lori Foster)

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December also marked the re-release of Wildest Dreams a book I am mega-excited to get to introduce to readers who missed it the first time around.  A sweet reader friend, Marcie, even brought along a copy of the original edition so I could get a picture of both the old and the new side-by-side.  And is the new cover gorgeous or what?  Again, thank you Avon art department!

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Here' something fun! Back when I was writing Wildest Dreams (first published as In Your Wildest Dreams in 2005) I took a research trip to New Orleans accompanied by my best friend, Robin. We put a fun travelogue with lots of pictures on my website, and I've just now had the travel diary added again, so I hope you'll check it out. (Random observation: I have better hair now. I was only highlighting then - and now I color all the way ;))

I stayed close to home for the holidays, however. Other festivities included an annual holiday luncheon at Lori Foster’s house for readers and authors, and local publisher Samhain kindly welcomed me to their holiday bash as well.  I myself hosted a game night with girlfriends, and well … let’s just say it’s a good thing I can write because drawing is clearly not my forte.  This is me drawing a dog in a kennel – I would have given him all four legs, but I was in a hurry! ;) 

Toni's art

Of course, now that the new year has begun, much of the fun and games have given away to more taxing times! While I love creating heroines you can root for, heroes you’d like to meet in real life, and sweet and sexy stories that bring them together, some of my writing duties are less than thrilling…


Maybe you’re working on your taxes too. Maybe the post-holiday blues are getting to you. If so, come visit my Facebook page, where I’m currently giving away a signed book EVERY WEEK to someone who comments on one of my posts. No hoops to jump through, no tricks or games to play—just come join in the conversation with my readers and me. It’s easy and fun, and we can all use more of that!

In the past few weeks, many of my readers shared with me on Facebook their “wildest dreams” for 2014.  Being a positive thinking sort of chick, I believe that if you have faith and give the best you have to give, you can get everything you want from life. Being able to share my books with so many people has been a dream come true for me, and I wish the same joy in life for everyone reading this.  

What’s next for me?  In March, I’ll be attending the Public Library Association’s conference in Indianapolis, where I’ll be signing books and speaking on a romance panel – hope to see some of my librarian readers there!  In May, I’ll be heading back to the Big Easy for Romantic Times convention.  And right after that, All I Want Is You will hit shelves!

But for now it’s back to the business of a cold, snowy winter  May you all have a warm and cozy season filled with lots of wonderful books! 


P.S. I’ve been out and about on the internet. If you’d enjoy learning more about what I read, advice for writers, and the stories behind the stories, do check out the following links (and, of course, come join me on FacebookPinterest and Instagram!)

Toni recommends upcoming romance novels at USA Today

Toni named on USA Today’s list of Best Romances of 2012

Toni blogs for writers about embracing career challenges

Toni's Fabulous Fall

Happy Fall!  And what a perfect season it has been!  From pumpkin patches to corn mazes to haunted house hayrides, Toni's been out enjoying all that rural Kentucky has to share in this red and gold and cinnamon and apple pie season.

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It turns out Toni, a cat person if there ever was one, also likes alpacas. Who knew?  One more autumn discovery this year.  And are they not totally adorable?

It hasn't been all fur and games, however.  Toni's completed her next novel, and it's not called CORAL COVE anymore! New title: ALL I WANT IS YOU, a Coral Cove Novel. Yep, we're going with a new kind of title!  And yes, we're leaving Destiny - but it won't really feel that way. ;) In June, 2014, you'll find some characters you already know, and part of the book is set in Destiny, so Coral Cove will just feel like a home away from home.

Toni celebrated her book and her birthday with her annual girls night out- this year a dance party. It was super fun evening full of dance hits from the 80s and a crazy local Cincinnati band, the Naked Karate Girls--who weren't girls, weren't naked, and didn't do any karate! But boy could they play that funky music.

Halloween comes shortly after Toni's birthday, so October is a month full of costumes and cupcakes! She co-hosts a party with her friend Lindsey each year...and her chocolate kitty cupcakes were gone in a flash.

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Here are Toni and Lindsey—it was a horns vs. halo type of affair. Spicy and sweet, just like Toni's books! If you want to snag free autographed copies, visit Toni's Facebook page frequently. Thanks to rules changes, she's allowed to give away even more than before, so comment, share and "like" her posts and you might be a winner.


She's been so busy, it's hard for Toni to believe that Christmas is right around the corner, along with the long-awaited re-release of her New Orleans set book, WILDEST DREAMS, which comes out on November 26. And a book release means booksignings! Toni will sign at Barnes & Noble in Lexington, Kentucky on Saturday November 30 and at the Barnes & Noble in Westchester, Ohio a week later on December 7.  Toni will also be signing her holiday bestseller, HOLLY LANE, and more at these events.  Watch and Toni’s Facebook page for details.  But back to WILDEST DREAMS - isn't that cover gorgeous?

In the meantime, if you'd like a taste of fall in Destiny, why not check out Sugar Creek? It's filled with fall leaves, apple orchards and bonfires--and a hunky cop who meets his match in a prodigal hometown girl.